
[CoE491A/EE488E/CS492D/STP483A] AI and Its Social Impact / Spring 2024 - Team Project



The goal of the team project is to research a case different from the four cases we are studying in class. The case should be based on AI technology; and the project should discuss the technology, social impact, and legal aspects of the technology, similar to how the lecturers present the cases.


The project should include one or more interviews with the technology/social/legal experts who are knowledgeable about the case. The interviews can be conducted orally (phone interviews are okay) or by email.


This is a team-based project.

Group Team members
1 강동재, Aow Si Li Sara, 명준호, 연주형
2 조준한, 이리아, 황영혜, Keisuke Kudo
3 이윤호, 기채운, 정재웅, 김민석
4 정병영, 서민지, 김상오, 강재영
5 배주호, 최서영, 박슬아, 김경섭
6 유소현, 함동윤, 김경현
7 안동현, 신예은, Tobias Thiel
8 이동건, 김관우, 김병현

Project Grading (60% of Course Grade)

Note that any team may get up to -25%p for project scores if there is a serious problem with teamwork. That means, the project grade could be 35/60, even if all presentation and report scores are perfect. This can apply to an individual student, or to the entire team.


All project team members should present an important part in the presentation (speak for at least one minute each). You should present your work in the presentation session.


Choose topic(s) and conduct interview(s).

Based on the interview(s), prepare your final presentation and report.

Project Proposal

Give a 5-8 minute proposal presentation video that includes the following:

Progress Update

Record a 7-10 minute progress presentation video that includes the following:

Final Presentation & Final Report

Give a 10-15 minute final presentation and submit a 4-6 page (+ unlimited references) report. Below is the structure of the final report. The final presentation should contain the same content but in a presentation style.

Peer Grading

Teamwork Report